Welcome to Vous Êtes Engagé! Institute Internship Interview Preparation in French, a series of 11 online learning modules and in-person workshops.

The main objective of this initiative is to help you start to navigate the interview process in a French context. We want you to improve your conversational skills via the 11 online learning modules and in-person workshops to feel more confident in your ability to conduct an interview in French. Each online learning module should take you no more than 20 minutes to complete.

The general format of each learning module is as follows: lecture, video, quiz, wrap-up, and a non-graded assignment.
A variety of topics will be covered throughout the online learning modules and in-person workshops including etiquette and introductions, scheduling an interview for a job postings outside of Co-op, screening interviews, talking about yourself by responding to commonly asked questions about your skills or experiences and ending an interview.

We encourage you to review the resources section prior to beginning the online learning modules and print resources such as the PowerPoint presentation slides, transcripts of the role-play scenarios, a glossary of terms and more.

Bonne chance!